Yertle came from Massachusetts
to live here at the sanctuary.
It's much warmer here in CA
Yertle is sponsored by Jennifer
Squirt is one of our 1st rescues.
She is a 13 yr. old Red Foot Tortoise.
Her owner had a new baby.
Squirt's sponsor is Stonie and Sully.
Sheldon a Sulcata was in a
very small pen about 8'x8'
His owner felt he needed a
bigger enclosure. He is 18
years old and weighs 125lbs.
Sheldon needs a sponsor.
Pablo a Sulcata was abused
as a baby and fed cigarettes.
His shell is very deformed.
It is a miracle he has survived
and his shell grew with him.
He is 14 yrs. old and very sweet.
Pablo's sponsor is Julie.
Squirty is a Leopard Tortoise
She was surrendered to us and
lives at the sanctuary.
Squirty has Arlene as a sponsor.
Shelly a Sulcata had to relocate
due to the cold weather in Oregon.
He is 10 and very friendly.
Jeanette is Shelly's sponsor.
Tiny is a Sulcata tortoise.
She came here to live in the
sanctuary. She is so sweet.
Tiny's sponsor is Dave.
Sparticus & Sally are Russian
Tortoises. They are living here
until their owner can take
them back.
Their sponsor is Sarah.
Pearl is a giant 9lb. Russian Tortoise.
The neighbors dog was trying to kill
She was brought here for her safety.
Pearl's sponsor is Tracy.
Tommie came to live her life out
here at Tortoise Acres
Tommie's sponsor is Carol.
Teddy & Grover were dumped on
us. They have severe MBD. They
will stay here at the sanctuary.
Thanks Kerri & Steve for sponsoring them.